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by in Pressure APT 3000

High Performance, Smart transmitters available to ship from stock.Speak with one of our engineers today!

Autrol America stocks a wide range of APT 3100 Differential Pressure andAPT3200 Gauge/Absolute Pressure Transmitters that can meet your immediate project requirements. Our APT 3100 and APT3200 Series Pressure Transmitters are available and ready to ship from Crystal Lake, Illinois, and includes Push buttons allowing operators to access basic and advanced SMART functions. The in-build [...]
by in Pressure APT 3000

How to control process using accurate and precise measurement Indicator?

Process control is widely used where mass production is carried out in a logical way. Application's such as chemical & mechanical processes, food & goods packaging industry, power plants, oil & petroleum refineries use process control. Basic requirement of any process environment is accurate and precise measurement. Hence, good measurement practices along with consistent and [...]
by in Pressure APT 3000

Are you always looking for process data?

Translate process signals into readings operator can understand! Make monitoring and control more accurate and more accessible through AI-100 Autrol Field Indicator.This ATEX Certified Smart Field Indicator eliminates the need for separate power. AI-100 consists of selectable units and indicates 5 digit numbers, 6 digit letters, and 4 special type symbols on LCD. It also [...]
by in Temperature ATT 2100

Overcome inaccurate or unavailable temperature measurements

Do you have inaccurate or unavailable temperature measurements that create unscheduled downtime and off-spec products? Our Company Autrol Corporation of America offers you ATT 2100 Smart Temperature Transmitter. Autrol's ATT 2100 Smart Temperature Transmitter is a microprocessor-based high-performance transmitter with continuous self-diagnostics and EEPROM write protection. With hazardous location certifications, ATT 2100 is widely used [...]
by in Temperature ATT 2100

Overcome aggressive production and quality targets

During this pandemic, are you dealing with aggressive production and quality targets? Our Company Autrol Corporation of America offers you ATT 2100 Smart Temperature Transmitter. ATT 2100 is a microprocessor-based explosion-proof transmitter with temperature sensors, high precision, better reliability, and a remote communication system. Additionally, it has an inbuilt self-diagnostic function to determine instrument error [...]
by in Pressure APT 3100

APT 3500 Smart Pressure Transmitter Application

Traditionally, some applications require vertical installation such as flow application, orifice assembly line, special locations, etc. Additionally, traditional connections also require additional flanges or adapters, which is inconvenient and gets additionally charged. Similarly, since every application has a different requirement, we have an APT 3500 Smart Pressure Transmitter to suit your needs. APT 3500 Smart [...]
by in Pressure APT 3100

APT 3500 Smart Pressure Transmitter

Traditionally, some applications require vertical installation such as flow application, orifice assemble line, special locations etc. Additionally, traditional connections also require additional flanges or adapters, which is inconvenience and gets additionally charged. Similarly, every application has a different requirement, so choose the right one, which is suitable for your business. APT 3500 Smart Pressure Transmitter [...]
by in Pressure APT 3200

APT 3200 Smart Pressure Transmitter

High-performance, flexible, self-diagnostic and microprocessor-based waterproof Smart Pressure Transmitter. APT 3200 Smart Pressure Transmitter has a piezoelectric sensor and its patented temperature compensation algorithm ensures high precision & long-term stability in gauge and absolute pressure measurements over a wide range of operating conditions. FUNCTIONS Flexible Sensor Input: GP, AP, Flush Mount Various Output: 4-20mA, Digital [...]
by in Pressure APT 3200

APT 3200 Smart Pressure Transmitter

High-performance, flexible, self-diagnostic and microprocessor-based Smart Pressure Transmitter. It picks up piezoelectric to optimize and accurately characterize to compensate for ambient temperature effects. Its patented temperature compensation algorithm ensures high precision & long-term stability in gauge and absolute pressure measurements over a wide range of operating conditions. Also, it provides waterproof protection and accurate measurement [...]
by in Pressure APT 3100

Are you looking for SIL2 & ATEX certified Instrument for measuring differential / high static / gauge / absolute pressure measurement

With the advent of more stringent safety procedures and increased attention to reducing operational risk, Autrol has made available the APT 3500 Smart Pressure Transmitter, which is an intrinsically safe, ex-proof and marine certified instrument. APT 3500 Smart Pressure Transmitter is one of our SIL2 & ATEX certified instrument preferred for Differential / High Static [...]
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